Adoption of the I go U go V grow
Move to Year 12 Handle Inter Group Prepare for Free Trade and Service AEC reiterates its position as a leading provider of integrated logistics and logistics services in Thailand. With international standards of service. Strong teamwork – Professional service. I go u go V grow when grown. Everyone has to grow up with it. “
The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) will be the next big step in the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). With a combined production base. Free movement of production factors. Solidarity And create a bargaining power in trade / economy. In the world trade arena is stronger. And for Thailand One of the ASEAN members. Need to adjust yourself to deal with being stepped into the The ASEAN Economic Community in 2015.
Handle Inter Group, a leading provider of integrated logistics and logistics. Accelerate the potential service in all aspects. AEC has the strengths of having seven affiliated companies that can provide services in all modes of transportation, including land, air and water transport, which makes Handle Inter Group recognized and trusted in the choice. The service is always available.
Source: freightmaxad